– Your simple secret for staying in shape!

Originally created by physical therapist Bruce Hymanson, the Bodyblade® system of training has proven effective in rehabilitation, professional sports performance training, personal training and group exercise in clubs for over 22 years.

1st – Pick your Bodyblade®:


We suggest everyone (all non-gym persons) start with a single Bodyblade® Classic and once the single is mastered we suggest you buy your second Bodyblade® Classic.

However, if you already workout, are fit and consider yourself a ‘Gym Person’, you need to start with the Bodyblade® Pro (just skip the classic). We further suggest Pro users spring for a pair from day one.

This is a life changing marathon and with a slow steady march forward you will change your body from head to toe.

The slow philosophy is not about doing everything in tortoise mode. It’s less about the speed and more about investing the right amount of time and attention in the problem so you solve it.

Carl Honore

2nd – Learn by Watching than Do!


Watch the following videos (10) and understand HOW the Bodyblade® works. Your brain will need to understand the Frequency Goal for the motion involved. You will find the Sweet-Spot sooner if you know what you are looking for.

So, Understand the Frequency, Understand the Grips, Understand the Orientations, Understand the Math of the Bodyblade® and a new body shall you have.


Video 1: How it Works – Build your Deep Spinal Muscles first, than build out to your Core.

Bodyblade®: How it Works

Video 2: Muscle Activation – Visualize how the Bodyblade® will work your muscles.

Bodyblade®: Muscle Activation Animation

Video 3: How does the Bodyblade® work? – At 4.5 Oscillations per second.

How does the Bodyblade® work?

Video 4: Driving the Bodyblade® – Proper Grip and Motion.

The person who looks like they are doing the Least, Is Doing The Most!

  • Bruce Hymanson – Creator of Bodyblade®

Driving the Bodyblade®

Video 5: Common Driving Errors – Poor Posture, Elbows to Flexed or to Straight, Lose of Rhythm with the Blade.

Bodyblade®: Common Driving Errors

Video 6: Vibration + Inertia = THE MATH

Bodyblade®: Vibration and Inertia

Video 7: The Planes of Motion – Your Tri-Plane Training Tool

Bodyblade®: Planes of Motion

Video 8: Bodyblade® Orientation – Wide Side vs. Narrow Side movement

Bodyblade®: Orientation

Video 9: Grips – The 7 Grips to Understand

  1. 2-Hand – Top Grip
  2. 2-Hand – Bottom Grip
  3. Top to Bottom Grip
  4. Golf Grip
  5. Lace Grip
  6. Single Grip – Top Grip
  7. Single Grip – Bottom Grip

Bodyblade®: Grips

Video 10: Safety – Leave 4 Feet of clearance Side to Side and Overhead

Bodyblade®: Safety


3rd – Learn some basic exercises –

Start with the following exercises as shown in this next video:

Shoulder-BodyBlade – Just up to the Pitcher Ball Trowing Exercise.


Bodyblade UK basics with Bruce – tips for the abdominals

Bodyblade UK hip and thigh ex 6 basics – w gisella


Bodyblade®: Up and Down Drill

Bobdyblade®: Tricep Push

Bodyblade®: Chest Press