During the course of our Lives we have all been gifted wisdoms from those who have traveled before us.

Rag’s Corner is no different. Our collective family has benefited greatly from the wisdoms received by those who have guided our paths.

Here we attempt to collect the words of those wisdoms. Please learn.


To C,

Do not be SAD!!! Ever, ….. about school’s annual end.

“School” never ends, ever. It just changes.

School’s change is good, it’s growth, it’s only the people who should be missed.

Life’s classroom continues, forever.

Learn something new everyday. Make an effort to keep in touch with the persons from a past class. Look forward to meeting the persons of any new class.


Just continue to enjoy the learning!

Just enjoy the process of learning, That’s Life.

Life is a continual classroom, whether you are ‘in school’ or just ‘in life’ after a class intended to school you.

Do not be Sad about school, EVER!

  • TopRag


If A is success in life, then A = x + y + z. Work is x, play is y and z is keeping your mouth shut.

  • Albert Einstein to Samuel J Woolf, Berlin, Summer 1929


Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

  • Albert Einstein – Letter to Morris Raphael Cohen, March 1940